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  3. Understanding Renewi Understanding Renewi

Renewi transforms waste into high-quality materials

Renewi’s Vision

  • Leader in recycling
  • Extend industry leading position to 75% recycling
  • Divert more volumes from incineration 
  • Develop new recycling technologies and partnerships

Leader in low carbon secondary materials production

  • Invest in advanced technology to produce high quality low carbon secondary materials replacing virgin sources
  • Develop partnerships with leading companies
  • Invest in advanced treatment capacity
  • Offer superior customer propositions
  • Consolidate market position over time

Renewi in the circular economy

Competitive landscape

Competitive landscape

Most large peers
  • typically own incineration activities
  • Balancing of assets
Smaller competitors
  • Play a limited role i.e. collection or sorting
  • Pure play recycler - incentivised to minimise incineration
  • #1 in commercial waste in the Netherlands and Belgium
  • #1 in fridge dismantling in Netherlands and Belgium
  • #1 in hazardous waste disposal in Netherlands
  • #1 in glass recycling in Netherlands and Belgium
Understanding Renewi
Renewi is uniquely positioned to take advantage of the strong growth opportunity in the recycling industry Download Equity story

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