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From collector to producer of circular materials

Over the years, we have constantly reinvented ourselves: from a traditional waste management business model to a prominent leader in the waste-to-product industry, paving the way for a greener and cleaner world.

Overname van PARO

October 2024

Completion of divestment of UK Municipal business
Renewi announces the completion of the sale of its UK Municipal business to Biffa Limited, a prominent integrated waste management company in the UK.

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Samenvoeging van Nederlandse en Belgische divisies

June 2024

Merging of Dutch and Belgian Commercial Waste divisions for improved customer service

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Koningin Maxima brengt bezoek aan Acht

February 2024

Queen Máxima's Working Visit to Leading Waste-to-Product Company Renewi

Her Majesty Queen Máxima paid a working visit today to the waste-to-product company Renewi at its facility in Acht, Eindhoven. The visit focused on the opportunities and challenges in material recycling, such as legislation that encourages recycling and the importance of raising awareness about circularity in society. Currently, the Queen is making a number of visits relating to sustainability and circularity.

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Opening sorteerlijn en windturbine Renewi in Gent

April 2023

Opening state-of-the art sorting line and wind turbine at Renewi in Ghent

Renewi, Europe's leading waste-to-product company, has officially opened its latest state-of-the-art sorting line in the presence of Prime Minister Alexander De Croo and Mayor of Ghent, Mathias De Clercq. This is an important step in Renewi's ambition to be a leader in recycling and a front-runner in the circular economy.

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Coolrec en Electrolux samenwerking

May 2023

Renewi and Electrolux win first prize at Plastics Recycling Show Europe for manufacturing fridge made with recycled plastics

Renewi, through its subsidiary Coolrec, and the world's largest producer of household appliances, Electrolux, took first prize today at the Plastics Recycling Show Europe in Amsterdam for the introduction of a fridge produced with an inside made of 70% plastics from recycled fridges.

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Renewi en PLAYMOBIL ontwikkelen prijswinnend Wiltopia

Renewi and PLAYMOBIL develop award-winning Wiltopia toys made from old refrigerators

Renewi and PLAYMOBIL develop award-winning Wiltopia toys made from old refrigerators

Wiltopia is the first product range from PLAYMOBIL to be made from an average of over 80 percent sustainable material. PCR plastics – i.e. plastics which have already been used by consumers and then fed back into the recycling loop – as well as bio-based plastics are used. This conserves virgin resources and, above all, protects the environment by giving used materials a second life.

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Overname van PARO

February 2022

Acquisition of PARO, an Amsterdam based commercial waste and recycling business

Renewi plc (LSE: RWI), the leading European waste-to-product business is pleased to announce that it has today reached conditional agreement to acquire 100% of the share capital of GMP Exploitatie BV (“Paro”), an Amsterdam based commercial waste and recycling business, from GMP Groep BV for an enterprise value of €67m, funded from the Group’s existing facilities.

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Start van Green Collective

May 2021

Start of Green Collective white label collection initiative in the Netherlands

A cleaner and safer inner city through fewer transport movements. That's what Renewi and SUEZ want to achieve with Green Collective, a new joint venture that brings waste collectors together to jointly collect commercial waste in municipalities.

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Maltha viert het honderdjarig bestaan

December 2021

Glass recycler Maltha a Renewi and Owen-Illinois joint venture celebrates centenary anniversary

Leading waste-to-product company, Renewi plc, and Owens-Illinois (O-I) have signed a new Shareholder Agreement (SHA) for their Maltha Joint Venture, strengthening the long-lasting relationship between the two partners.

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Strategische samenwerking Renewi Nordsol

June 2020

Strategic collaboration Renewi and Nordsol to jointly produce bio-LNG and deliver it to Shell

Renewi, Nordsol and Shell have formed a strategic partnership to jointly produce bio-LNG. This collaboration aims to contribute to the circular economy and completes the cycle of turning organic waste into a sustainable fuel for long haul transport.

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Renewi treedt toe tot Euronext Amsterdam

January 2020

Renewi enters Euronext Amsterdam

Renewi plc (LSE: RWI, Euronext: RWI), the international waste-to-product business, announces that its shares will commence trading at 09:00 CET today on Euronext Amsterdam under ticker ‘RWI’. Renewi believes that admission to trading of the shares on Euronext Amsterdam will be beneficial to the Company and its shareholders.

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Start Retourmatras

June 2019

Start of RetourMatras: joint investment by Renewi and Ingka Investments (Part of the Ingka Group, which includes the 12 IKEA stores in the Netherlands)

Mattresses have historically been a difficult waste stream to dispose of by conventional means. RetourMatras has developed a unique mattress recycling technology for the sustainable processing of discarded mattresses. Using this technology, the mattresses can be 90% recycled into reusable materials. RetourMatras has two operational facilities in the Netherlands.

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Overname van Rotie Organics

May 2019

Acquisition Rotie Organics, a business that collects, sources, de-packages and pre-treats out of date food waste.

Leading international waste-to-product company, Renewi plc (LSE:RWI) has today acquired Rotie Organics, a business that collects, sources, de-packages and pre-treats out of date food waste.

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November 2018

Opening of PeelPioneers manufacturing facility at Renewi site

The official opening of the first PeelPioneers manufacturing facility on the Renewi site in Son (Netherlands) took place on Thursday, 29 November 2018. The construction of an innovative processing line for citrus peel was completed on that very day, and the PeelPioneers – the ‘sustainable peel people of the 21st century’ – then wasted no time, immediately putting it into operation.

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Renewi werd opgericht na de fusie van Shanks Group

March 2017

Renewi was created, following the merger of Shanks Group plc with Van Gansewinkel Groep BV

Following the completion of the merger with Van Gansewinkel Groep B.V. (“Van Gansewinkel”) announced earlier today, Shanks is delighted to announce that it will be re-launching the combined business under a new brand, which will include re-naming the Company from Shanks Group plc to Renewi plc.

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