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The Commercial Divisions are located in the Netherlands and Belgium. They provide a wide range of waste-to-product solutions and represent around 65% of Renewi’s revenues.

Click here to go to the Commercial Division website.

The commercial waste market covers the collection, sorting, treatment and recycling of waste materials from a range of sources. It also includes the ultimate disposal of waste streams that cannot be recycled or incinerated.

Renewi is the market leader in the Benelux. We provide customers with cost-efficient waste-to-product solutions and advise them on how to achieve their own sustainability goals by optimising source separation of waste which can then be converted into high quality raw materials and energy.

Our market is divided into the following main segments: Construction and Demolition (C&D) – Netherlands only; Industrial and Commercial (I&C); Domestic and Hazardous – Belgium only.

Renewi deploys part of its own sorting and recycling operations for, amongst other things, paper, cardboard, wood, plastics, metals and C&D waste. Renewi has partnerships with other recyclers to make sure that we can offer our customers the solutions that are best suited for their specific waste streams. Other specific recycling activities are clustered within the Monostreams Division.

Our unique business model in this market allows us to focus on the value that we can recover from specific waste streams. We then upgrade this waste to new products during its sorting and treatment.

We generally collect a large part of the waste ourselves to secure volumes, which we value as sources from which to produce secondary raw materials. We maximise recycling based upon the quality of the waste we collect, and we dispose only of the residues that we are unable to convert into a reusable product or recyclate. In this way, we ‘waste no more’ both environmentally and economically.

Our Commercial Divisions operate over 109 sites in the Benelux. Our sites have a diverse profile in terms of the activities that take place on the site as well as the focus on specific sources of waste and customer segments, which affects its current financial performance and competitive strategy.