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  4. Why innovate Why innovate

Why innovations contribute to a better future

For you and our generations to come

We take innovative steps every single day, for the circular economy and to make businesses more sustainable. That way, we contribute rather a lot. Want to join us?

5 ways in which innovations contribute to a circular future

Innovations provide the following:

  1. More reuse of materials
  2. Less extraction of primary materials
  3. Value preservation of materials
  4. Reduced greenhouse gas emissions
  5. Less biodiversity loss

Contributing to sustainability goals

If we develop an innovation together, we directly contribute to both national and international sustainability goals:

  1. Global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
  2. Government-wide programme Netherlands Circular 2050

Share your innovative idea with Renewi

Are you or is your organisation interested in circularity AND in developing an innovation? Do you want to put your idea into practice on a commercial scale? If so, please contact Renewi today. We would love to hear from you.

Contact our innovation team